Craving for a nice cup of Coffee as we ride through the city of Matzuyama on the Island of Shikoku, led to a unique experience.
Harumi Saiki takes English lessons, and to gain some new words, she picked up courage to speak to us.
On her way to a concert we joined in.
A group of competent amateurs were playing close by in a small packed auditorium singing, Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Frank Sinatra oldies and some Hank Williams - all in English and as this woman and her friends knew most of the musicians, they soon found out we were there and of course were most embarrassed that though they sang the songs, they did not actually speak English.
All quite intriguing.
Harumi had two others from her English class were sitting right behind us and they came up with a plan to take us for a drive around the city.
On leaving the concert we found a woman about to place a large notice on our bikes "Illegally Parked", so our hosts escorted us to the official bike parking lot, then took us for a drive, shouted us a beer and delivered us back to our bikes for the onward ride.
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